We want our pets to feel as happy as possible. This can often mean giving them the best veterinary care and medicines as well as food and supplies.

We want our pets to feel as happy as possible. This can often mean giving them the best veterinary care and medicines as well as food and supplies.

Even -quality dog beds need to be washed and maintained in order to remain clean. Your dog will not complain if its bed doesn't have a removable cover. The problem comes when it comes to cleaning it. Every pet parent must regularly clean out their dog's bed.


You should therefore know how to clean your bed quickly and easily, even if you don't have a cover. Here are six easy steps to get you started.

1. Start with the Visible Dirt

It is important to remove all dirt and hair from the bed before you use detergents or water. Even if your dog beds are washable, it is a good idea to vacuum them before you use any wet treatments.

This will reduce the mess that you need to clean up after wetting your bed. Baking soda can be sprinkled on beds with a bad odor. Leave it for at least 60 minutes before vacuuming.

To ensure that no dirt or dander escapes, you should vacuum the area several times. This will help to eliminate flea eggs and other unhatched insects. You can also use a lint roll to cover the entire length of your bed.

2. Take on all the nastiest stains

You will now be able to see the nasty spots and other debris that your dog has left on your bed. These are usually stains caused by urine, mud or worse, feces. This stage is best served by a spot removal treatment. Instead Buy a calming bed for your bed from calmingdogbeds.co.uk It's much more difficult to get rid of these stains once the bed has been washed and dried. It is best to deal with them before you wash the mattress.

You can find a variety of spot treatment products online or at your local pet shop to remove urine stains from dogs and cats. Be sure to only purchase products that are safe for your pet. Avoid harsh chemicals and products that contain artificial fragrances, such as bleach and chlorine. Instead, look for products that are specifically made for pets with pet stains.

Apply the appropriate stain remover directly to the stain. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Use a damp cloth to rub the stain with. Avoid scraping.

3. Warm Water is a Good Choice for Your Bed

It is not mandatory but it may be necessary to soak the bed. It depends on how much dirt has accumulated. Warm or hot water is required for soaking to kill bugs and bacteria that may be hiding in the fabric.

Check the label to find out the recommended heat level for your material. A washing machine is convenient for small beds. A bathtub is a better option for larger beds, or you can use the bigger machines at your local laundry.

To wash the bed manually, you should soak it in warm water for at least 30 minutes. First, add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to the water.

It is important that the detergent has enough time to clean the bed of dirt and germs. This should take at least 30 minutes. Vinegar is an effective and more cost-effective deodorizer that poses no danger to your dog.

You want to avoid poisonous or powerful chemicals like the following:

  • Petroleum distillates
  • Phenols
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Formaldehyde
  • Perchloroethylene
  • Fragrance additives
  • Bleach
  • Nonylphenol Ethoxylates
  • Diethanolamine
  • Phthalates, etc.

4. Rinse the water to remove any dirt

If you wash your dog's bed in a washing machine then it will need to be rinsed at least twice to make sure that the bed is clean. The first rinse is to get rid of any dirt or other contaminants. The second rinse removes any soap residue. To get rid of all excess water, spin the bed twice more.

Handwashing, on the other hand will remove all moisture. After filling the bed with clean water, squeeze to thoroughly rinse it. Continue this process until the bed is clean and free of soap.

5. Dry it

If it is a sunny day, you can leave your bed outside to dry. Although it is unlikely, the sun can kill any pathogens or germs that may remain in your bed. If necessary, you can also dry it in the tumbler. Before you do this, make sure to read the washing instructions provided by the manufacturer.

To dry in the sun, place the mattress on a drying rack. This will allow any water to drain out and the air to circulate freely. To get the best results, combine sun drying and tumble.

6. Keep a Cleaning Routine Between Washes

You can take extra care to ensure your dog's bed stays clean between washings. These are some tips to help you keep your dog's bed clean between washes.

  • Cover the bed with a fluffy blanket and make sure to change it often.
  • Use a vinegar-based deodorizer to spray the bed every now and again.
  • Vacuum regularly to get rid of dirt and hair.
  • Use a mixture of 8 parts water to 1 part apple cider vinegar to clean the exterior of your bed.
  • If the bed is of the correct size, you can wrap it with a large trash bag and then cover it with a pillowcase.


There is no other way to keep your dog's bed clean. Fido spends most time on the bed so dirt and hair will be there.

Instead of waiting for your dog's bed to develop an unpleasant odor, take control and wash it as often as you can. If you have washable dog beds, or high-quality dog beds without removable covers, the steps above will help simplify the process.

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